The Fashion Designer’s 1st Runway Show Survival Guide
Hey Designers, Hey!! Are you a new Fashion Design Entrepreneur??? Are you about to showcase your very 1st Collection and you’re freakin out, just a little bit??
No worries! We’re here to help you with that …there are some things you just won’t know, until you know! Until you experience them for yourself…orrrrr until you learn from someone else’s mistakes!!
Show day is chaos at almost every show…backstage, a circus—but what if YOU were fully prepared in advance?
Grab this unique hands-on eBook to help you execute your 1st Runway Show like a Boss! Even if you’re a seasoned Designer, you will learn new, helpful ways to navigate backstage successfully, plus impact your Runway delivery! With real-life takeaways from backstage and runway experience, you will learn from our Head Designer’s mistakes. These are the things she wish she knew before her 1st Runway Show, plus much more!